Updates Mnova 10.0.2
Mnova NMR
New Features
- Improvements in the selected line in the Line Fitting table.
- Ability to delete a blind region without right clicking.
- Multiplets ranges will not overlap when using automatic Sum or Edited Sum methods.
- Ability to add more than 10 handlers to the selected regions in Data Analysis.
- Improvements in the response factor options for concentration graph in Data Analysis.
- Data Analysis X-axis model to easily interconvert sec/min/h.
- Capability to display the Integral calculation method in the ‘Integrals Table and Label’.
Scripting Engine
- The active document remains when closing an inactive document.
- Allow to select the Mnova version in the Settings Object.
- Extend the funcionality of QTableWidgets to get the currentRow and the currentItem.
- Improvements in the ‘Import Directory Stack’ script.
- Scale Image in a Label Respecting the Ratio.
- More functions to operate with pages.
Bugs Fixed
- Comment not read when the process number was not 1 (from Bruker).
- Data Browser did not recognize JEOL .jdf files.
- Incorrect number of points, group delay export.
- 1D spectra from ACD could not be imported via script (Mac).
- Lock icon was missing in Line Fitting table when locking any value (Mac).
- Horizontal trace misaligned with the 2D spectrum after making some cuts (Mac).
- Choice of 15N Ξ Value was not persisted.
- Problems changing the position of the vertical scale in a 2D spectra.
- Problems selecting advanced option in Apodization dialog (Mac).
- Problems in Gaussian GF apodization for 1D and 2D spectra.
- HSQC NUS spectra from Bruker with specific TD(1) values could not be processed.
- Last Peak Picking and Integration options got always applied.
- Problems removing a TD region.
- After applying GSD peak picking the processing template showed Standard options.
- Series of spectra in a single DAT file from old Nicolet format got opened as one spectrum.
- Problems opening a Fid with DTYPA parameter.
- Error of unknown format when loading spectra in old Ge Nicolet format.
- Incorrect default processing applied when loading .td files from Nanalysis.
- Problems loading old Mnova documents.
- Time Domain: Quantitation: no more highlights the integration region.
- Problems applying a forward LP with Toeplitz method.
- Problems with Standard peak picking of both positive and negative.
- Mouse cursor and cross-hair positions did not match in stacked with a non-zero stack angle.
- Problems closing Apodization window from a document previously closed.
- Only one Apodization window should be opened after calling “W” several times.
- Button showed cut off in Spin Simulation panel (Mac).
- Multiplet Report Parser failed when NMR Plugin was not active.
- Reference Deconvolution applied only to the active spectrum in a stack.
- 19F spectrum from Bruker appears distorted when loaded in Mnova.
- Problems with the New Spectrum feature of the Line Fitting.
- Incorrect Forward LP default value.
- Unexpected multiplet integral values after being generated from integrals and modified the ranges.
- Report of the ‘unknown compounds’ did not work.
- Assignment report script failed to report H and C assignments.
- Reference shortcuts (L and R) did not work if the toolbar icon was not visible (Mac).
- 13C assignments could not be displayed in a molecule with changed atom numbering.
- Some 2D peak labels are showed crossed.
- Automatic Integration (Peaks method) detected integrals including only Impurity peaks.
Mnova Verify
Bugs Fixed
- Multiplet analysis applied again after having already selected.
Mnova NMRPredict Desktop
Bugs Fixed
- Labels of rows in Js table of Spin Simulation showed cut off.
- Problems updating the Server Prediction Database.
- Prediction failed with phosphonium salts (Mac).
- Prediction labels of multiple atoms could not be moved graphically
Mnova DB
Bugs Fixed
- Chemical shifts of Assignments were not visible after being stored in a DB.
- Part of the icons missing from the peak search modes.
Mnova MS
Bugs Fixed
- Peak labels displayed out of the box.
Mnova GUI
Bugs Fixed
- Cursor in a text not moving or displaying correctly when trying to edit the text (Mac).
- Wrong document name when printing to PDF.
- Problems displaying all the pages of a document in the page navigator.
- Space Needed – Remainder License Message.
- Same page uuid problem when loading same .mnpag file several times.
- No molecule gets opened when loading a ChemDraw file (.cdx).
- Verification quality of documents with verification results showed always in green.
- Molecules Table: Last molecule property can not be deleted.
- Problems displaying 3D Molecule viewer (Mac).
- Atom annotations could not be displayed by default for the whole molecule.
- Atom numbers with ” ‘ ” not displayed.
- Problems editing isotopic atoms.
- Problems opening document with two equal molecules.
- Problems with a SDF.
- Cannot data decimate on an Agilent ser file.
- Atom numbers did not display in Mestrenova on kubuntu 14.04LTS.