New Features
- Capability to show in the Multiplet box more than one assignment
- Ability to add (or replace) a second chemical shift assignment to a single nucleus.
This feature will be very useful if you need to assign rotamers or make ambiguous assignments
- Ability to change the values of stacked scale
It will be possible to number the traces of your stack plot or to use the arrayed data values (temperature, pH, etc…)
- To show the active page in the navigator after changing to other windows
- Capability to delete the multiplet name together with the assignment in the table
Bugs Fixed
- Problems compressing a page with two spectra
- Problems opening some JCAMP files
- Assignments Table did not update after having referenced the spectrum
- Timestamp zero after importing spectra with Directory Spectra Stack script
- Problems detecting doublets where the intensities of the two peaks are very different
- Problems refreshing the highlight of peaks
- After flagging solvent peaks as compound they didn’t get added to the multiplet
- Selection of multiplets did not work if the multiplet box overlapped with a peak
- Generalized Covariance did not work with spectra having different spectral widths
- Multiplet ranges in ascending order when multiplet report in ascending order of shifts
- Problems deleting integrals from the integral curve in stacked mode
- The delete button of the Peaks Table did not remove the selected peak when the table was sorted
- Problems manually deleting a peak when it was close to another
- The assignment labels were shown too high
- Problems saving processing templates without the ‘Phase Correction’ option
- Problems pasting NMR graphic properties
- Problems changing the configuration of the Molecules table
- Wrong molecular formula for molecules drawn with circles as aromatic rings
- Problems closing Word with OLE object currently open in MNova
- Problems with group delay correction from old spectra
Bugs fixed
- Problems predicting molecules drawn with a circle as the aromatic rings
- Spectrum looked wavy after changing chemical shifts of predicted spectrum from a ‘Predict&Compare’ plot
New Features
- Capability to save the raw data into the mnova document
When you save a Mnova document with a TIC and a Mass spectrum, by default the raw file is not stored in the document (to avoid the generation of huge files).. If you want to store the raw file on the Mnova document, click on the ‘Fetch Full Dataset’ button of the MS Browser
Bugs Fixed
- Problems showing UV, PDA, DAD traces
- Problems refreshing the MS tables and panels
- Spectrum was not highlighted in red when no original MS dataset was available
New Features
- To search by a table of peaks
- Capability to change tolerances for chemical shifts and mass searched from the DB menu
- Capability to combine searches
This option will allow you to combine several queries (in the same document) for the same search. In the example above, you can see how we are combining the peaks of 1D and 2D NMR datasets with the Mass spectrum.
What’s new in Mnova 7.0.2