New Features
Ability to drag a spectrum and add it to the stack.
Creating a stacked spectrum with Mnova 7.1.2 is very easy; just by dragging one spectrum from the ‘Page Navigator’ to another spectral window. In the example below we are dragging the first page into the second spectrum to generate a stack plot
It will be also possible to use this method to add a spectrum to an existing stack. In the example below we are adding the spectrum in the second page as the trace 19th of the stacked plot
Absolute referencing of X-nucleus spectrum from 1H 1D spectrumz
According to IUPAC, using a suitable secondary reference compound is no longer recommended. The unified scale is now the preferred method of referencing all spectra.
New monochrome 2D palettes in the Properties
We have added new monochrome palettes for the 2D plots
Capability to select different color automatically when superimposing 2D spectra
It will be possible to define palettes (depending on the experiments) for your superimposed 2D datasets
New shortcuts
- “W” – Apodization
- “L”- Chemical Shift Reference
- “Shift+F” – FFT
- “B” – Baseline Correction
- “Shift+P” – Manual Phase Correction
- “Shift+I” – show/hide Integral Manager
- “Shift+J” – show/hide Multiplet Manager
Capability to select the initial phase correction to run the Automatic Phase Correction algorithm.
It is now possible to select the starting point for the automatic Phase Correction between ‘Imported’, ‘zero’ or ‘Current’ (By default Mnova will use the imported phase)
Set integral reference based on the sum of several integrals
It will be possible to normalize on the sum of several integrals from the Integrals table
Other New Features
- Expansions are created without the spectrum title
- Capability to sort the stacked spectra according to the label (title)
- Fit to height is applied after binning
- New icon for the reference button
- Display the Multiplets Integrals by default
- Assign Dialog keeps the option that user clicked last time for each dimension
- Blind Region feature is now under the Analysis menu
- Peaks from Line Fitting are included in Peaks and Multiplets tables
Bugs Fixed
- When splitting multiplet integrals were calculated using integral settings instead of multiplet settings
- Problems applying Bernstein baseline correction on a stacked spectrum from Varian
- Problems normalizing 2D superimposed spectra.
- Wrong original size shown for 2D spectra from Bruker
- Segmental choice was not set as default in multipoint baseline correction
- Undoing the normalization of a 2D spectrum did not get the original spectrum.
- Normalizing by largest peak was not taking into account the negative peaks of the 2D spectra
- Problems with Layout templates created from a Predict&Compare document
- Problems with the assignment cursor when the mouse was moved out of spectral window
- Data Analysis serie label was too big when exporting to PDF
- Problems with the projections after having transposed
- Mulltiplet integral values reduced after split
- Problems applying layout templates from a stacked plot
- Disabled points in the data analysis graph were copied to the clipboard
- Wrong assignments when saving as JCAMP
Manual phasing along f1 was not possible after baseline correction in a 2D
New Features
Capability to move 13C and X-nuclei prediction databases to any writable directory
If the user does not have rights to write in the default directory for the Prediction Database; Mnova will display a dialog box to change that folder.
Bugs Fixed
- Rename ‘DBA Browser’ with ‘Prediction DB Browser’
- Problems highlighting atom(s) when cursor was on predicted peak
- Analysis was not possible for a predicted 1H spectrum
- 1H DBA replaced when adding a new molecule to the same database
Bugs fixed
- Lanthanides and Actinides missing in the Elemental Composition constraints
- Problems running a Massitem Search without MS spectrum and with floating licenses
New Features
One click installer for Mnova DB using SQLite
Now it will be very easy to install Mnova DB Server on your computer without needing to install MySQL, just double click on the installer and that´s all!
Other new features
Database View after a search displays hits in order of scores
New options for “Mixture” and “Reverse” search for NMR peaks and multiplets
The peak and multiplet search dialogs have a tool button for changing the search mode. The default mode is “Reverse”, which penalize peaks which are in the query but not in the database spectrum.
Bugs fixed
- Mnova Preview widget not saved when saving new settings in the DBBrowser
- Problems running a Massitem Search
- Error when trying to save an item to an existing record
- Multiplet class was not taken into account when running multiplet search
What’s New in Mnova 7.1.2