New Features
Improvements in the Peaks and Multiplet Reports
- New option to report assignments in the 13C peaks and multiplet reports
- Customize the number of decimals for reported multiplets and peaks
- Improved extended solvent names shown in multiplet reports
Improvements in the Multiplet Analysis feature
- New tool to auto record the measured J-couplings from the Multiplet Manager
- Option to not display the box around the multiplet labels
- Capability to “Save as Multiplet Integrals” when they exist
New NMR converters
- New converter for SIMPSON format
- New converter to import&export for Galactic SPC NMR datasets
- NMR and MS text converters names have been unified
Improvements in the Peaks labels
- Double clicking on a row in Peaks table will zoom in that peak in the spectrum
- Capability to move the peak labels up and down
Improvements in the Stacked mode
- Ability to get correlated crosshair cursors in stacked spectra
- Capability to auto scale in stacked mode by default
- Capability to save Line Fitting Options by default
- 2D contour mode by default
- Ability to change the comment of spectra in the Arithmetic dialog
Bugs fixed
- Modifications of L/G values while line fitting do not get updated
- Gamma value did not get read in a 19F-DOSY spectrum from Bruker
- Baseline not displayed when loading a document saved with the option to show baseline enabled
- Unable to enter more than 2 decimals in Spin Simulation
- Unable to open Varian file with Import Apodization option on
- Problems hiding integral curves
- Some parameters of NMR spectra from Bruker did not get read
- Z-order of templates was not retained
- Time stamp not read when importing NMR files from Bruker
- Undefined parameters reported by the script to export Fit Regions as ASCII
- Molecules distorted after applying a layout template
- Only one trace was shown when adding 1D traces graphically
- t shows zero values in Arrayed Data table from a dbppste experiment
- Problems applying 2D to 1D stack on a pseudo 2D from Tecmag
- Problems deleting Line Fit Region for stacked spectra
- Double-clicking on the Peaks Table ddin’t start the edition of the editable cells
- Problems running Auto Nuclides Count with only one multiplet
- Auto-integration didn’t work with undefined nuclei
- The assignment tooltip was shown and hidden continuously
- Title in a stack did not get updated when changing the active spectrum
- Problems adjusting the intensity of predicted spectrum in the stack after having reordered
- Select Traces Graphically tool for 2D spectra keept active when moving to a 1D spectrum
- Problems inserting a comma or parentheses in Comment field of Parameters table
- Problems with the Absolute Reference tool when OK button was pressed with no reference selected
- Problems labelling TMS peak in HSQC
- Noise increased when applying automatic baseline correction
- Problems with the imaginary part of some JCAMP files which generated wrong Peak Picking analysis
- Problems individually adjusting vertical scaling of a chromatogram and NMR spectrum
- Save as Integrals and Intgerals Series provided the same information
- Problems changing the Comment field (from the Parameters table) of a spectrum in a stacked plot.
New Features
Predict&Highlight for HSQC spectra
NMR Predict Options dialog box shows a tip about the 3D conformers panel
Bugs Fixed
- NMR prediction was not possible having license only for NMRPRedict Desktop
- Ability to increase “To value” of 19F Prediction Options higher than 100 ppm
- Error running X-Nuclei NMR predictions without the Verification plugin activated
Bugs Fixed
- GC trace from Aglient not shown as expected
New Features
- Ability to add qNMR fields when creating a new DB
- Display search criteria together with hitlist
Bugs fixed
- Error message when using minor sign in a numeric search with Oracle
New Features
Improvements in the usability of Mnova licensing
- You can activate Mnova just by dragging&dropping the license files. Find out more.
- Ability to access any widget by objectName
Bugs fixed
- Molecule highlighting not correct when molecule labels were not displayed
- Stereodescriptor missing in case of a stererocenter defined with a explicit H
- Addition of carbons at selected position was not possible when atom labels were not shown
- Display of stereodescriptors with extra commas
- Fuse benzene with cyclopropane behaviour was wrong if performed from atoms 1-6
- Problems displaying a molecule pasted as Chemdraw Exchange File
- Document counter counted pages when importing items
What’s New in Mnova 8.0.1