Bugs Fixed
- Tecmag file not processed correctly
- Assignment labels of 2D cross peaks do not get printed when printing the document
- A NMR file in JCAMP-DX format can not be loaded correctly in Mnova
- Mnova’s peaks table does did not get updated by function update of the object document
- Problems when making line fitting or manual phase correction (Mac)
- Cuts were not working properly with stacked spectra
- NMRProcessing.getParameter/setParameter Arguments for Apodization (WF) – missing that for Sine2 II
- Wrong integrals of multiplets created by scripting
- Mnova quited unexpectedly when opening the application (Mac) with advanced plugins
Bugs Fixed
- Error when adding molecules with J(H-P) and J(H-F) to the 1H Prediction DB
- Update C-13 Prediction DB showed wrong chemical shifts
- Blank new page when modifying graphically a predicted spectrum from Predict&Compare
- NMR prediction showed the predicted spectrum in a new page
What’s new in Mnova 8.1.4