New features
- Support non-linear sampling spectra (NUS)
- PCA Analysis
- Reference Deconvolution
- AutoAssignments with no NMRPredict license. Also read Carlos article at “Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry”
- Capability to import spectral data from literature to synthesize a virtual spectra.
- Doubly Covariance NMR Spectroscopy
- Refactoring of the Spin Simulation Table
- Enhancements in the Absolute Reference tool
- Assignments to unknown compounds
- Ability to add new properties in the table of compounds
- Capability to use a Layout template by default.
- Several improvements regarded to memory handling have been implemented
- New Script for Smart Reporting
- GSD binning
New Features
- Get 13C assignments when running Auto Assignments
- Capability to import external prediction databases into Mnova
- Capability to send all the assignments of the molecules opened in Mnova to the prediction DB
- Improvements in prediction of CH2 prediction (diastereoisomerism)
- 11B NMR Prediction
- Spin Simulation panel is automatically populated with Predicted values
- Calculation of 4J and 5J couplings
- Script to get molecule and its predicted 1H and 13C spectra in one page
New Features
- Simulate mass spectra with different losses and adducts
- Capability to generate a layout with UV, TIC, MS spectrum and report table
- Capability to customize the display of LC/MS when it is loaded
- Capability to parse parameters
- Ability to run Elemental Composition from a mass provided by the user
- Baseline Correction of Optical traces
New Features
- 13C NMR Verification
- Refactoring of the Verify Results panel
New features
Repeat the same purity analysis for multiple sample replicates
New Features
- Manage Custom Interfaces
- Capability to customize menu bars
- Improvements in the drawing tool
- Capability to save and load Preferences of Mnova
- Capability to load molecules in SMILES and INCHI formats (with OpenBabel installed)
What’s new in Mnova 9.0.0