Determine the unambiguous elemental composition of a molecular ion
Elemental composition analysis is one of the most informative techniques in mass spectrometry. With appropriate…
Elemental composition analysis is one of the most informative techniques in mass spectrometry. With appropriate…
Molecule match analysis determines the possible presence of one or more given structures (or formulae)…
The NOE module uses the full relaxation matrix method (CORMA) to calculate NOE intensities from…
Residual Dipolar Coupling experiments can be analyzed, and alignment tensors determined also with Mspin. Once…
This tutorial will show you how to apply the JCoupling module to the fluoroethanol. Just…
It is really easy to customize the multiplet boxes. Double click on the spectrum display…
It is really easy to resolve overlapped multiplets. Imagine the below overlapped doublets: where the…
Mnova incorporates an intuitive and powerful multiplet analyzer. The user will carry out an automatic…
Mnova incorportates the capability to allow the user to customize the toolbar just by following…
Mnova incorporates very useful contextual menus to make it easier to perform some common tasks.…