Browsing: Papers and Peer Reviewed Publications
Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy
A new strategy for the computer-assisted development of reversed-phase liquid chromatography separation methods of unknown sample mixtures
Application of multiplet structure deconvolution to extract scalar coupling constants from 1D nuclear magnetic resonance spectra
Modeling the natural gas knocking behaviour using gas-phase infrared spectra and multivariate calibration
LocMAP: A New Localization Method for the Parametric Processing of High Resolution NMR Data
Enabling fast Pseudo-2D NMR Acquisition for Broadband Homonuclear Decoupling – The EXACT NMR approach
Computerized Optimization of Liquid Chromatography Separations
1J CH NMR Profile: Identification of Key Structural Features and Functionalities by Visual Observation and Direct Measurement of One-Bond Proton-Carbon Coupling Constants
A robust, general automatic phase correction algorithm for high-resolution NMR data
Autonomous driving in NMR
Validation of NMR fingerprinting methods: effects of processing on measure reproducibility and laboratory performance assessment (ebook)
Assessing Heterogeneity of Osteolytic Lesions in Multiple Myeloma by 1H HR-MAS NMR Metabolomics
Improving the Performance of High-Precision qNMR Measurements by a Double Integration Procedure in Practical Cases
EXtended ACquisition Time (EXACT) NMR – A Case for ′Burst′ Non-Uniform Sampling
Exploring the use of Generalized Indirect Covariance to reconstruct pure shift NMR spectra: Current Pros and Cons
Access to experimentally infeasible spectra by pure-shift NMR covariance
Proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in oncology: the fingerprints of cancer?
Fast and Efficient Fragment-Based Lead Generation by Fully Automated Processing and Analysis of Ligand-Observed NMR Binding Data
Resolution-enhanced 2D NMR of complex mixtures by non-uniform sampling
NMR data visualization, processing, and analysis on mobile devices
Application of 19 F time-domain NMR to measure content in fluorine-containing drug products
An Integrated Approach to Structure Verification Using Automated Procedures