It is helpful to know some HTML, css and JavaScript so please contact us if you need help or talk to a web developer.
- Download the package from our website and unzip it.
- In the unzipped folder you can find the index.html file. It contains a basic example of our editor: you can see how it runs without any additional css styles. Two elements in the that allow the editor to be part of a website are:
<script type=”text/javascript” language=”javascript” src=”js/MolEditorExport.nocache.js”></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”> var a =null; function jscOnLoad(){ a =new mestrelab.JsMoleculeEditor(‘editor’,400,400,’true’);//id,width,height,(editor/viewer) } </script>
- To see more easily how our codes works in practice, we prepared four views: basic editor, editor with additional buttons requesting information about the molecule, import and export window and basic editor with custom settings.
- If you find our editor useful and you would like to use all its available options or integrate it with any of your applications, please contact us and we will be happy to help.