Novel pure shift NMR experiments Pure shift NMR experiments is a current topic of high interest in NMR spectroscopy. Since…

Santi Dominguez, Mestrelab CEO, explains how to add reaction participants using the molecular editor.

Introduction qNMR is a common theme in my blogs, and it is always interesting and fun to speak with the…

Title: “New cloud-based Electronic Laboratory Notebook” Authors: Santiago Dominguez Vivero (CEO at Mestrelab Research) Date: 2016/04/27 Reference: Mestrelab at ACS…

Dr. Roberto R. Gil, Research Professor and Director of the NMR Facility at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA, US,…
Santi Dominguez, Mestrelab CEO, explains how to search compounds on Mbook´s library to speed up your chemistry write-up

John Gauvin, Assistant NMR Scientist at DSM, Netherlands, gave a free webinar about a statistical comparison made on several quantification techniques using Mnova…

Dr. Andy McLachlan, European Senior NMR Applications Specialist at ThermoFisher, gave a free webinar about different industrial applications using Thermo’s…

Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy
Title: Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy Authors: Iria Pérez Varela, Gavin Shear, Carlos Cobas Date: 7…