Title: The Value and Practice of NMR in Process Development Authors: Mike Bernstein, VP R&D, Mestrelab Research Date: 03/27/2015 Download…
It is quite common for NMR peaks or multiplets to move position (chemical shift) through the course of an arrayed…
Search modes: Molecular structure or substructure: You can select a molecular structure (or substructure) and search the records on the…
Get your free SMA plugin trial installed and test it for 45 days Firstly just to mention that the minimum…
(Updated in November 2021) Checking for any inconsistencies in your results: The alert system is an important SMA feature that generates and…
Updated on Nov 25th 2021
(Updated in November 2021) Define the way you quantify your mixtures analysis: The way the spectral integrals are converted into…
In this first webinar we covered the basics of SMA, its use and simple aspects of creating analyses. The purpose…
Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy
Title: Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy Authors: Iria Pérez Varela, Gavin Shear, Carlos Cobas Date: 7…