Title: Enhancing qNMR with Automated Multiplet Selection Authors: Michael A. Bernstein, Carlos Cobas, Manuel Pérez, Santiago Domínguez, Chen Peng and…
Title: Online NMR and HPLC as a Reaction Monitoring Platform for Pharmaceutical Process Development Authors: David A. Foley, Jian Wang,…
Mestrelab has hosted a free webinar to discuss the applicability and use of NMR-based methods to determine compound purity. NMR…
Title: Automatic Structure Verification (ASV) as an AI wizard: the milestones met and the challenges looming ahead Authors: Carlos Cobas,…
Title: Automated qNMR analysis Authors: Mike Bernstein, Carlos Cobas, Santiago Domínguez, Manuel Pérez, Chen Peng and Agustín Barba Date: 04/19/2013…
Preceding articles in this series have largely dealt with aspects of data acquisition to ensure reliable quantitation by NMR. A…
Quantification software packages include the proven concepts of compensating signal intensity according to changes in acquisition parameters such as spectral…
Title: Quantitative Purity–Activity Relationships of Natural Products: The Case of Anti-Tuberculosis Active Triterpenes from Oplopanax horridus Authors: Feng Qiu, Geping…
Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy
Title: Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy Authors: Iria Pérez Varela, Gavin Shear, Carlos Cobas Date: 7…