Title: Reaction Monitoring using NMR – Data Manipulation Solutions, Authors: Carlos Cobas, Isaac Iglesias, and Michael Bernstein Date: 2012/04/15 Download…
Downloading Client & Server In order to use Mnova DB you will need to install and license the client side…
Title: Dereplication, Residual Complexity, and Rational Naming: The Case of the Actaea Triterpenes Authors: Feng Qiu, Ayano Imai, James B.…
Title: ReactNMR and ReactIR as Reaction Monitoring and Mechanistic Elucidation Tools: The NCS Mediated Cascade Reaction of α-Thioamides to α-Thio-β-chloroacrylamides…
Title: Differential Metabolic Regulation Governed by the Rice SUB1A Gene during Submergence Stress and Identification of Alanylglycine by 1H NMR…
The automatic assignment deduction from 2D spectra are applied only when the user makes a manual assignment to a multiplet…
You can use Predict&Compare (or Predict&Verify) to carry out your assignments. Just open a 1D dataset with a molecular structure…
You probably know about our new Mnova Spectral DB and its versatility and ease of use for mining NMR and…
Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy
Title: Molecular Melodies: Unraveling the Hidden Harmonies of NMR Spectroscopy Authors: Iria Pérez Varela, Gavin Shear, Carlos Cobas Date: 7…