
Information to THE CUSTOMER of the existence of file and request for authorisation for the automated processing of data: In relation to the personal data given by THE CUSTOMER in the forms which may be in existence in the web page, MESTRELAB complies strictly with the current legislation established in the “Ley 15/1999 de Protección de datos de carácter personal”, relating to the protection of personal data, and any other related legislation and informs THE CUSTOMER that those data will be included in a file for their automated processing, THE CUSTOMER gives consent to this processing on acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions.

Purpose of the data: MESTRELAB collects certain personal data which are freely introduced by THE CUSTOMER in the enquiry, registration and order forms. MESTRELAB informs that it will process the data automatically to process the orders placed and to reply to requests for information. It will also process those data for the periodical delivery of offers, updates and commercial information to THE CUSTOMER. In any case, the data gathered and processed by MESTRELAB are only those required for the ends outlined above.

Obligatory introduction of data: The fields marked with * in the forms are those which require an obligatory answer and, if left blank, they would render the reply to the request or delivery of the order impossible.

Rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition: THE CUSTOMER who introduces his/her personal data in the forms will have full right to exercise his/her rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition at any time by request to datos@mestrelab.comdatos@mestrelab.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by ordinary mail to MESTRELAB RESEARCH, S.L., Feliciano Barrera nº9B Bajo, 15706 Santiago de Compostela, including in either case copy of the passport of the holder of the data. MESTRELAB agrees to the respect and absolute confidentiality in the collection and treatment of personal data in such a way that THE CUSTOMER will always be able to know which data are in the possession of MESTRELAB and what use is being given to those data by means o fan email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or by written request to the postal address above always including a copy of the passport of the holder of the data. All comments and suggestions are of great value to MESTRELAB in order to continually improve our data protection system.

Responsibility for the treatment of data.
– The responsibility for the treatment and processing of personal data lies with MESTRELAB RESEARCH, S.L., Feliciano Barrera nº9B Bajo at Santiago de Compostela. MESTRELAB has legally registered its data file in the Agencia de Protección de Datos (Data Protection Agency), this file can be consulted at

Transfer of data.- Data are not transferred to third parties. MESTRELAB informs THE CUSTOMER that, by agreeing to these General Terms and Conditions, THE CUSTOMER gives its consent to the necessary communication of its data for the processing of orders of the requested products, communication relating to the purpose of the introduction of the data and therefore relating to the free and legitimate acceptance of the contractual relationship existing between THE CUSTOMER and MESTRELAB, which requires the conexion of the data for its control, development and fulfilment, including the necessary transmission of the data, for which THE CUSTOMER gives consent. In any case, the customer will be entitled to revoke this consent at any time by request to datos@mestrelab.comdatos@mestrelab.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it , this revocation in some cases resulting in the impossibility to complete the purchase of which THE CUSTOMER will be appropiately informed.

SECURITY.– MESTRELAB guarantees the absolute confidentiality and privacy of the personal data collected and for that purpose has adopted essential security measures to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorised access to the data and thus guarantee their integrity and security. MESTRELAB is in possession of a SSL certificate for secure transmissions. MESTRELAB will in no case be responsible for any incidence relating to personal data which may arise from an attack or unauthorised access to the systems in a way which makes it impossible to detect by the security measures implemented or from a lack of diligence by THE CUSTOMER in the protection and custody of the access keys or of its personal data.

Use of cookies:
MESTRELAB uses cookies to obtain information and carry out statistical analysis of the use of the web pages– which in any case can always be consulted and used anonymously- and to permit the operation of some of its services. The cookies used by MESTRELAB are anonymous and do not refer to the personal data of THE CUSTOMER nor can in any case the data stored by THE CUSTOMER in its hard drive be accessed by these cookies. The identity of THE CUSTOMER is never inserted directly in the cookie and therefore it is not susceptible to be intercepted. The only non anonymous cookies, i.e., cookies which permit identification, can only be assigned after authorisation by THE CUSTOMER when immediate identification for access to restricted areas without a need for manual insertion of keys is desired by THE CUSTOMER. In any case, if THE CUSTOMER does not wish for these cookies to be installed, he/she will have the option to configure his/her browser to prevent it without any alteration to the use of the web page relating to THE CUSTOMER.

Veracity of the data.- THE CUSTOMER is responsible for the veracity of the data, agreeing not to introduce false data and to modify the data when necessary.