Download Mnova 14.1.1
Mnova 14.1.1 (minor release)
Mnova 14.1.1 has been released with the usual bunch of useful bug fixes and with a new product, Mnova StereoFitter, that addresses problems associated with stereochemistry.
Mnova StereoFitter [New Product!]
- You can read information about this new product here
- NMR Assignments
- Fixed a crash in manual assignment mode when multiplets are highlighted and other actions are carried out around the different pages
- Assigning a point to an atom in a 1D spectrum is now easier
- Fixed a crash with the ‘Show the suggested assignments’ option enabled while carrying out manual assignments
- Fixed a crash when unlinking HMBC correlations from the Assignments table and then using the “deduction”
- HMBC correlations of quaternary carbons are also displayed in the carbon row (Assignment report)
- Multiplets are correctly generated in assignments deductions
- Easier graphical assignments to a selected position near other 1D/2D multiplets
- Able to enter more than one RDC value for one atom in the Assignments table
- Chemometrics
- Correct amplitude ratio values obtained from CCSD analysis
- Data Analysis
- Shifts in time origin in Data Analysis are applied accordingly
- ElViS - Electronic & Vibrational Spectroscopies
- Added warning message to indicate that the add/substract tool refuses to whenever all or some of the stacked spectra has any DPT processing action active
- Stacking ElViS spectra with different spectral size/wavenumber bounds now provides the expected results
- Improved the way Mnova ElViS opens certain IR data from Thermo instruments
- Mnova
- Mnova’s menu bar displays correctly the Database tab and its DB scripts instead of the PageDatabase tab when Mnova DB license is not present
- Fixed a problem when using layout template for MS datasets. In addition to the geometry, colors and plot order are now applied accordingly
- Issues where occasional spectrum phase was inconveniently inverting after selecting multiplets and undoing (Ctrl + Z) have been resolved
- The “Solid-State NMR” plugin has been purposely removed from the Preferences/plugins (Linux and Mac)
- Importing the Advanced plug-in directory path issues from *.INI files have been solved
- We have also added a new feature in Mnova to provide License protection for SQL Database
- Molecules
- Issues when editing a molecule directly in the Compounds Table have been fixed
- MS
- Able to rename a MS file without closing Mnova
- Zoom ranges now can be applied when applying a Layout Template in a 13C spectrum
- Fixed a crash when loading a document from version 14.1.0 with a wrong horizontal inner trace index set out of the specifications
- Issues after using the option "Use External 1H Trace as Reference" in the Setup Traces dialogue. The reference is applied and persist even after closing the setup dialog
- Processing operations in a stacked spectra have been considerably sped up to the level of a single spectrum
- ‘JC 2D spectrum’ tool has been removed from ‘Peaks > New spectrum’ menu and added to a suitable section ‘Analysis >More tools > digital JC’
- Improved ‘Absolute reference’ tool to avoid undesirable misalignments for the 2D traces
- Mnova remains stable after running the verification tool no matter what predictor is selected
- ‘Auto absolute reference’ tool has been polished not to use a predicted spectrum as reference
- Importing JCAMP-DX files shows the correct PPM/Hz scale for 1D and 2D spectra
- The tool ‘Zoom & cuts’ can be applied now to multiple pages
- NMR Predictor
- Prediction for Diastereotopic methyl groups has been improved. When they are very far from a stereocenter, more than 6 bonds, are predicted as equivalent
- Fixed a crash when Autoassignment tool runs no matter which type of NMR Predictor license is active
- When using Modgraph prediction, after adding a molecule to a prediction DB, and run a prediction with the same structure, the right value is obtained in the column "Shells"
- Fixed a crash when updating HSQC prediction results (i.e. selecting/deselecting molecule and spectra)
- Predictors using floating licenses are now working correctly
- Issues when updating the prediction DB have been solved. The solvent remains as it was previously recorded when browsing a structure in the prediction DB
- Fixed wrong 13C chemical shifts of CH and CH2 groups predicted by Mestrelab Predictor
- Predictions improved by 1H User Prediction DB when using all predictors (Mestrelab Predictor + Modgraph NMRPredict Desktop)
- Diasterotopic protons are predicted correctly now when using all predictors together (Mestrelab Predictor + Modgraph NMRPredict Desktop)
- Different instances of Mnova will now write different Server logs
- NMReData
- NMReData imports assignments correctly for both manual and auto modes
- A file extension different from the one indicated in the data file name cannot be selected any more to avoid software crashes
- Structure Elucidation
- Fixed a crash in Structure Elucidation when opening and closing a document