What’s new in Mnova 14.2.3


Download Mnova 14.2.3


Mnova 14.2.3 (minor release)


Mnova 14.2.3 has just been launched as a minor release version that includes a small number of new features, as well as the usual bunch of bug fixes!

A list of all the changes in this revision is included on this changelog page:

  • Mnova General Suite
    • Implemented a new parameter in the MestReNova.exe executable that allows you to start the application from the command line without switching to the Mnova window
    Data Analysis
    • Included additional equations in curve fitting for reaction monitoring
    • Improved performance by obtaining multiple records from the server with just one query via scripting
    • Improved performance by getting records&items from the server allowing you to select the type of Item and Field
    Scripting Engine
    • DOSY NMR transformations can now be run from the scripting engine
    Structure Elucidation
    • Implemented the ability to edit a multiplet and link it to an existing elucidation gridlines
    • The Molecular Connectivity Diagram (MCD) shows now two decimal places for C atoms

Download Mnova 14.2.3

Are you keen on finding a particular bug fix that perhaps you reported to us? This is the list with most of the bug fixes included in this version:

  • Audit Trail
    • The audit trail tool is now recording the correct version of Mnova when opening a file from an older version
    • 1D Profile: Improved widgets behaviour when double-clicking on a correlations table cell
    • Improved 'Fit to highest intensity' tool around the baseline region of a chromatogram.
    Data Analysis
    • Values for GraphFitModel parameter within the Scripting documentation are now correct for the Monoexponential Equation option
    • The issue when pasting a record to Mnova doubling the Mass Items has now been fixed
    Gears Automation Suite
    • The 19F checkbox information is now saved and loaded correctly with the settings
    Mnova General Suite
    • Amended error message when trying to open a 2D spectra in Mnova Lite version
    • Improved accesibility to define customized parameters using "_INLET.INF - )". Expected values are now retrieved in the Parameters table
    • Improved JEOL NUS spectra detection by Mnova so it's displayed and processed as expected
    • Issue when duplicating Peaks by error when loading a JCAMP spectra has been resolved. Multiplets are now displayed as usual
    Structure Elucidation
    • Peak Picking lines are now automatically refreshed
    • 1D grid lines are now automatically displayed in 2D spectra
    • Added button to the 'Multiplet Manager' to alternate between nearest grid-lines

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