Download Mnova 12.0.3
Mnova 12.0.3 (minor release)
Once again a big thank you to our users for their constructive feedback.
Here is what our team has been working on since our last release. Remember to download the new Mnova 12.0.3 to get all the new features and improvements!
- Able to name molecules with atoms in non-standard valence
- Implement skeletal replacement ("a") nomenclature for heteropolycyclic ring systems
- Naming of branched ring assemblies
- Correct names of several suffix groups
- Able to name ring assemblies of 3-6 identical cyclic systems
- Precursors m/z values displayed in the MSn extracted spectra title
Advanced plugins
SMA 2.0.1
- 'Run PCA' and 'Export csv file' buttons are now enabled when using SMA on a stack of spectra
Main fixed bugs
- JEOL datasets can be reprocessed automatically
- Advanced Spectra Alignment performing correctly
- Corrected canvas on windows 7 x64 (virtual box machine)
- Improved Mnova 64 bits version
- After pasting a molecule with assignments, the assignment labels can be moved
- Improvements in JEOL NMR converter
- ‘Delete peak’ function is now working in 2D spectra (x64)
- Peak curves remain stable when applying a normalization
- Integral curve displayed wrong for stacked spectra
- The Assignment Table displays now concrete Chemical shift values
- Stability improvements of Mnova 64 bits versions
- Mnova works well when assigning NH, OH, SH in HSQC spectra
- Bin regions do not shift after referencing
- Mnova remains stable after rotating and joining two molecules
- The stereo configuration of a molecule remains the same after making a 3D Conversion
- Improved performance when using Mnova ribbon UI
- PhysChem properties calculations are displayed correctly when using SaaS licenses
- Scoring options can be applied in MS Search
SMA 2.0.1
- Fixed problems working with stacks in the Mixture Creation Assistant
- Better handling of 2D spectra
- Fixed issues working with automatic formulae
- Improved reporting