New features
Absolute Reference can be reported in the spectrum title or in parameters table
Ability to choose from the properties the number of decimals used for J coupling and chemical shift values in the multiplet boxes
Multiopen script remembers the latest 10 path masks
Bugs Fixed
- Shortcuts stopped working
- Very hard to tick or un-tick in the Stacked Spectra Table
- Not possible to adjust manually Primary Tics of horizontal scale
- Problems loading a document with NMR and MS spectra without active license of NMR and MS
- Intensities changed after referencing several spectra in a stack
- Problems referencing with Auto Tune
- Annotation added when referencing displayed in a wrong position
- Normalization by Peak did not work well after referencing a spectrum
- Group Delay is lost after applying Enhanced Correction
- Absolute Referencing did not force assignments to be recalculated
- Wrong result after applying baseline correction on a JEOL spectrum
- Some of the traces in a processed DEPT showed blank after applying an apodization
- Auto Assignments did not work with 1D-NOESY experiments
- Problems reporting multiplets labelled with shift as NAN
- Problems undoing PCA
- Absolute Reference in a layout template did not get applied when loading a NMR file
- The multiplet report parser did not parse the leading minus sign of shifts
- Problems loading a HOESY experiment over a layout template with only 10 points in LP
- Sine II and Squared Sine II apodization functions were not correctly transformed to Mnova's
- Merged peaks in a 2D spectrum resulted in a peak not centered between the two original peaks
- Multiplet Report to Spectrum failed to parse a range
- Procpar parameters showed wrong when customizing Parameters table
- Oxford Instruments spectrum processed
New features
Capability to search by retention time
Bugs Fixed
- Browsing the results of a Peak Search took longer in 9.0.0
- Changes made in Properties of Compounds table did not get saved
- Verification Result value in a DB did not match the value displayed in Verification Results panel
Bugs Fixed
- Problems opening Waters synapt data
- UV spec could not be extracted from Agilent DAD chromatogram containing a wavelength range
- Setting up a trace chromatogram by name from Preferences did not work
Bugs Fixed
- Problems predicting without a license for the NMR plugin
- Error message when running 13C prediction without any 13C database selected
Bugs Fixed
- Wrong detection of water when using 1H and HSQC
- Error when running verification for the second time in some rare cases
- Moving prediction rectangles after verification did not work with more than one molecule in the document
Bugs Fixed
- Wrong behaviour in molecules when copying the whole page.
- Corrupted documents generated by saving through the network
- Problems after closing 3D Molecule panel
- Problems with licenses in some Mac computers due to the permissions of the cache folder
- Context menus did not get displayed
- Problems selecting margin width as 0.0 in Molecule properties
- Dialogs and panels too big in Mac version
Some tables, panels and dialogs were displayed too big (Mac version) Normalize numbering does not affect the parts of molecule with fixed numbering Problems closing Mnova after editing any of the properties in Compounds table
What’s New in Mnova 9.0.1