Download Mnova 14.1.2
Mnova 14.1.2 (minor release)
Mnova 14.1.2 has been released with the usual bunch of useful bug fixes listed below:
- Mnova
- A new EULA (end-user license agreements) has been prepared for Mnova
- False positive found by AVG antivirus during installation has been fixed
- DB
- No database remains opened after cancellation when using the command Open Database
- MS
- Problems displaying MS data from Agilent in Mnova (32-bits) have been resolved
- MS peaks display correctly in Mnova when importing a dataset or dragging an embedded window
- The ‘Alt+Arrow keys’ for MacOS now work correctly to move zoom areas in the spectra
- The number of decimal places for Coupling constants has been increased from 2 to 5 when using the Spin Simulation tool
- The SQA analysis tool has been sped up by amending the Peak Picking options available
- Symmetrical atoms are now assigned correctly to suggested 2D multiplets
- The Snap mode in Peak by Peak picks the maximum for all peaks
- CH2 with explicit hydrogens are now correctly predicted
- Expected results when applying different baseline corrections to JEOL data
- Fixed a connection problem when running DFT Prediction calculations
- 2D Multiplet names can also be edited in the Multiplet Manager
- Representation of the integration curve in the multiplets of a stack is now set correctly